
Now you can buy ink color tattoo - - - - 19/01/2022 ink tattoo recap

Finally on Killer Ink there are World Famous Ink to buy! Let's make a quick recap of the supply situation on inks. - - - ITC are breaking nothing (pre- order) , Tektik nothing (pre-order) , Tattooland (a lot of pre-order) some I Am ink, Kuro Sumi stock breaking and Quantum (victim of the success an ink that I have not yet seen with the Reach ok étiquettes) Nordic tattoo have I Am ink (the first one yo be Reach ok) and World Famous Ink, Delvish (a lot of out of stock and pre-order) ) tattoo have the World Famous ink on out of stock, the New Panthera gold out of stock, the Dynamic also out of stock and only a black eternal not in order Reach. Anyway... World Famous Ink, Kuro Sumi and I Am Ink are available 👍 Of course the products go out of stock quickly, unfortunately we still have no news from our belgian government but we see the goodwill on the part of Tattoo Supply and tattoo's brand. We await a demonstration of goodwill from the governments and the European Community who represent the well-being of the people, at least in theory. We are in pandemic, please be careful with law who touch health things. Best regards Bruno Menei Chairman ATB P/s You can add other sellers or inks in comments or on our National Forum.